Unique plush toys for modern kids - Animolls

savoring imagination

People simply want to explore their world. to be creative and curious. Animolls honors that time in the world and aspires to getting us to use our imagination and share the stories we dream. however big or small, however bold or boring - everyone has a story. What will you imagine? What stories will you tell?

Combined with the desire to create bold, simple art; Animolls was built on the idea that a stuffed doll could help freeze time and preserve the memories of youth, and a time when things were far less complex and fast paced. Dolls that were both appealing to children and designers alike;  A doll that could be cuddled to sleep at night, or just as easily thrown onto a collectible piece of furniture to make a room come alive.


under the same stars

Animolls celebrates diversity, cultural differences, and the traditions we all celebrate and share - no matter what part of the world we reside, we all look up in wonder and hope to the same stars. It’s truly astonishing to think about how small we are in the grand scheme of the universe, and yet how limitless and endless our dreams and thoughts are. What will you dream? Where will our dreams take us? This is what connects us - all one, under the same stars.
